07 Jan

Though there is much to celebrate in the past 12 months going into the New Year, it disturbs me to see you so troubled, my dear friend. 

Your well-being means the world to me. So allow me to pen a few words in hopes of bringing you ease, peace and comfort. 

The past few weeks have been turbulent, to say the least. Like giant waves crashing against rocky shores during relentless thunderstorms - with fierce winds howling and ominous clouds looming over gray gray skies - the magnitude of its magnificent energy is a force to be reckoned with. Reminding us the mighty powers of nature. 

Thankfully, after the storm comes the rainbow. 

The presence of calm, colors and beauty bring about hope. And the promise of new beginnings. 

It's a relief and welcomed feeling considering how very chaotic and polarized the world has become, especially post-Covid

In all honesty, I don't have all the answers. I really don't. 

But I do believe I have something special to offer and share with the world. At least that's what keeps me going when things get difficult. Which is often than not, these days. Luckily, I have help.

If you combine all the characters in my name, it spells out strong heart. Put another way, it stands for empathy

Its special powers were bestowed on me at birth. Magnified 1,000,000x with the NDE. I can't explain it. Except to say, it allows me to feel DEEPLY - every pulse, every vibration, every living thing that roams Planet Earth. 

Yes, I know it's a beautiful gift to have. 

But the truth is, it's also a burden. A very heavy one. 

To feel so much and so deeply - is not an easy thing to live with. While I can naturally feel infinite joy - such a glorious high - in the same breath, I also feel - very intimately - the painful struggles of others despite their best efforts to hide it from plain view. 

And these days, there's alot of People struggling. 

Though it is not my place to take away pain and end suffering, I cannot help but try sometimes. By breathing some hope and love to those who need it most.

Can you blame me.

So please please try to understand, I am truly trying my best. 

Great Walls and Soaring Eagles have - much more in common - than the two would like to admit. In many ways, both love and value the same fundamentals found in the human spirit. 

If I may be so bold to say -

Am I not proof of that. 

Something to consider, my dear friend and dear world. 

With love and respect, AJ. 

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