18 Sep

The 2 most important days in your life are - the day you are BORN and the day you discover the reason WHY. Mark Twain

I met X a few months ago.

I was in town for a week, visiting an artist guild; she was volunteering. She approached me - as people often do. We clicked right away. 

From the moment we started talking, there was something ever so familiar about this woman in her late 50s with her sunny blond hair. Something uncanny. 

Am I surprised we met - not really.

Certain energies attract like moths to a light. When stars synchronize and the timing is right, people find each other under the most interesting circumstances. In one lifetime or the next. Life - as we know it - does not end with death. It simply signals the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. 

Like winter and spring. 

My new friend and I must have chatted forever. But an hour flew by in seconds. When it was time to say good-bye, we decided to stay in touch. 

Here's one of her letters  - 

Hello Ninja,

Thank you for your thoughtful and inspiring note. What a pleasure to see your name pop up, makes me so happy!!

I am sorry, however, to learn that another health flair up has come about. Such pain must bring such sadness. It seems like an awful burden. It’s hard for me to make sense of it. 

I only hope such trials ultimately provide you with the joy and peace you inspire in others. Your strength in perseverance brings impact and inspiration. 

Your path will continue to cross with others who are deeply moved by your life tests. Such was the case with the gentleman you met in passing while out with your therapy cat. 

Your life has serious purpose. As hard as it must be to imagine, your life and story bring about great changes to any of us who connect with you. Particularly those of us who can feel your depth of burden and insight. 

Your calmness brought me clarity and positivity, something I want to savor and share. 

Thoughts of you bring me gratitude and inspiration to do good. What a blessing you are. I will be thinking of you, hoping for your health and comfort. I’ll be looking forward to our next visit. 

Please take care,


p.s. Enjoyed your beautiful photo!  

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